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Why TSG Gurukul Focuses On Maintaining a Positive Mindset in Classrooms

Abraham Lincoln once rightly said, "The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next generation."  It is said that the destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. A classroom is a place where every child starts learning. Classrooms are where students make friends, experiment and learn from mistakes, discover their interests and talents etc. TSG Gurukul is a renowned boarding school in Odisha where classrooms are not defined as a mere space with 4 walls and a roof but extends to be a wholesome experience of interactions and collaborations.

We believe that a healthy and positive classroom atmosphere contributes a lot to the performance of students and that is why we significantly focus on maintaining one. There are a lot of things that go on in the conscious and subconscious minds of students inside a classroom that somehow influences their thinking abilities, behavior and character. On average, students spend about 6-7 hours inside a classroom where they get subjected to peers from different backgrounds and upbringings, discussions and interactions on topics that build their knowledge and understanding and a lot.

Technically, classrooms are also the very first setting where students learn about competition and conflicts. Though on a healthy note but this is how their fundamentals are shaped. They get introduced to exams, assessments, scores, ranks which quickly grows on them but leaving an impact more or less. As a good boarding school in Odisha, our job is to monitor the effect and find a balance. We make sure that each and every student reading at TSG Gurukul is given equal and paramount importance. Our teachers don't overstress over grades and marks so that students can actually learn and improve at their own pace in a positive environment. TSG Gurukul is a fulfillment of modern-day gurukul dream where students are encouraged to think independently and connect to real-life situations with a joyful learning experience.

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